
Since its inception in 2018, North Idaho Classical Academy has been more than just an idea—it has been a journey fueled by the dedication of a committed Founding Group. The Founding Group, composed of individuals such as Lena Cordle, Sage Dixon, Christa Eby, Kaite Gorman, Sheraya Hauck, Lynsee Leonard, and Liesl Woomert, alongside numerous other influential figures, have been instrumental in bringing the school to fruition.

In December 2022, the first information session drew an impressive crowd of over 250 attendees, marking the beginning of a promising venture. The school’s incorporation followed in March 2023 and then North Idaho Classical Academy subsequently becoming a Candidate Member School within the Hillsdale College K-12 Charter School Initiative by August of the same year.

The journey to secure a suitable campus began in October 2022, with the founding group identifying the old Boulder Creek Academy property as a potential location. The property, previously utilized as a school since 1972, initially housed the Academy of the Rockies, later transitioning into Boulder Creek Academy, serving at-risk youth from across the nation. North Idaho Classical Academy was fortunate to collaborate with the Ware family, who acquired Boulder Creek Academy, to establish the charter school—they have been staunch supporters of the school’s mission. Embracing this rich legacy, North Idaho Classical Academy is steadfast in its commitment to preserving a focus on outdoor education and nurturing students not only academically but also in mind and heart.

After months of negotiation the signing of a purchase and sale agreement occurred in September 2023. Concurrently, the hiring of Dr. Jacob Francom as the founding principal in July 2023 signaled a significant milestone in the school’s establishment.

As the charter petition took shape, the dedication of the team ensured its submission to the Idaho Public Charter School Commission before summer’s end. The pivotal moment arrived on December 14th, 2023, when North Idaho Classical Academy received official authorization during its petition hearing.

The subsequent hiring of Major William Calkins as assistant principal in January 2024 added to the school’s administrative team. Additionally, December 2023 marked another milestone with the attainment of 501(c)(3) non-profit status from the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

The rich history of North Idaho Classical Academy serves as a testament to the remarkable efforts of its founders. Their selfless contributions of time and resources have not only turned a vision into reality but have also laid a solid educational foundation for future generations. The debt of gratitude owed to these individuals by the community is immeasurable, reflecting the enduring impact of their founding efforts.